Human tracking using computer vision
Demonstration of approach of human tracking using computer vision
Demonstration of approach of human tracking using computer vision
Many manufacturing sectors have been transformed by robots, which have become essential for industries such as automotive, assembly and others. However, some sectors are still reluctant to adopt automation, even though theyRead More…
The European project MERGING (Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers), that launched in November 2019, aims to design a versatile, low cost and easy-to-use robotic solution that manufacturers canRead More…
A new scientific article by the LMS team in Merging, was published on CIRP Annals 2022. Sotiris Makris, Emmanouil Kampourakis, Dionisis Andronas, On deformable object handling: Model-based motion planning for human-robot co-manipulation,Read More…
The EPFL team in MERGING presented a paper, in the form of an on-demand presentation, at the SPIE Smart Structures & Non Destructive Evaluation Conference, held between 1 and 4 April 2022.Read More…
The MERGING project was present in two events at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021) held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 27 September to 1 October 2021.Read More…
Soft objects robotic manipulation for the future of European factories A European Robotics Forum 2021 workshop, organised by the H2020 projects APRIL – MERGING – REMODEL – SOFTMANBOT 13 April, 11:20 amRead More…
The MERGING leaflet presentS the project goals and concept, the use cases and the composition of the consortium. DOWNLOAD THE LEAFLET IN PDF FORMAT
MERGING partner Shadow Robot has won three awards at the E&T Innovation Awards, organised annually by E&T, the monthly magazine of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Shadow’s Tactile Telerobot won underRead More…